
Master's Degree en

Latin America and the European Union: a Strategic Cooperation - M122

Knowledge Areas

Arts and Humanities
Social and Legal Sciences


Faculty of Philosophy and Arts



Learning modality





One academic year, full-time

Information leaflet

Information leaflet

Procedimiento de admisión

Todo lo que necesitas saber para realizar tu preinscripción en Latin America and the European Union: a Strategic Cooperation

Procedimiento de matrícula

Todo lo que necesitas saber para realizar tu matrícula en Latin America and the European Union: a Strategic Cooperation


Master's Degree in Latin America and the European Union: a Strategic Cooperation (M122)

Participating Universities

University of Alcalá

Organising Centre, Department or Institute

University Institute for Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT)

Teaching centre(s)

University Institute for Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT)

Year Course Started

2006-2007 (RD 56/2005)
2009-2010 (RD 1393/2007)



Official Duration

One academic year, full-time

Minimum number of ECTS by type of registration and course

60 ECTS for full-time students and 30 ECTS for part-time students

Type of teaching

Face-to-face, with the support of the online platform of the University of Alcalá.



Level of qualification

Level 3 leading to the title of Master's Degree. Level 3 (Master's) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) corresponds to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23rd January (BOE 07/02/2015).

Professional qualification

This is not a degree title qualifying with ministerial approval for the exercise of regulated professional activities.


Professional, Research, Academic.


Dr. Pedro Pérez Herrero 


Academic Committee

Pedro Pérez Herrero  (UAH)
Isabel Wences (UC3M)
Daniel Sotelsek Salem (UAH)
Carlos Jiménez Piernas (UAH)
Eduardo López Ahumada (UAH)
Adoración Pérez Troya (UAH)
Karla Alexandra Fernández Chirinos
Santiago Andrés Castilla Parra


Academic issues:

University Institute for Research in Latin American Studies (IELAT)
Trinitarios College
C/ Trinidad 1
28801. Alcalá de Henares


Administrative issues:

Goals and competencies

The goals of this Master's degree are in line with the stipulates of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) and ensure the achievement of the basic competencies required to obtain a master's degree, following article 3.3, Appendix I of R.D. 1393/2007.

Fulfilment of the goals means students have achieved competencies that must be consistent with the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, with the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for the disabled, and with the values proper to a democratic and peace-loving culture.

Number of places for new students

Total number of places available: 30

Reserved places: 5% for students with a certified disability of 33% or more.

Specific admission conditions

Entry profile:

  • Students with a degree in the different areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. 
  • Students coming from other areas of knowledge must accredit basic training in subjects related to the programme.
  • A good knowledge of English will be required.

Selection criteria:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Applicant's academic profile.
  • Recommendation letters.
  • Language skills.
  • Project and lines of research in which the candidate is interested.
  • Personal interview.


Course:  from the beginning of October to September, on a face-to-face basis.

Beginning of classes: 3rd October 2022

Consult this website


Theoretical classes in the mornings. Practical classes in the afternoon.
Consult this website


University Institute for Research in Latin American Studies
C/ Trinidad nº1
Trinitarios College
Alcalá de Henares
28801 Madrid (Spain)
Historic Campus

Documentos de los procesos de calidad

Quality guarantee system

Quality committee

Juan Pablo Arroyo (UNAM)
Ailen Mendoza Martínez (Estudiante titular)
Astrid Hidalgo Valverde (Estudiante suplente)
Manuel Lucas Durán (UAH)
Pedro Pérez Herreros (UAH)
Eva Sanz Jara (UCM-UNED-UAH)
Inmaculada Simón Ruiz (Univ. Autónoma de Chile)

Complaints and Suggestions